Category Archives: Perseverance

Never Rest on your Laurel – A Hardy Lesson in Never Stop Trying

Mikey Stone lived at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean not far from the shore of Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine. Mikey lived with his friends and family, all crowded together on the ocean floor.

Mikey Stone

Mikey’s dream was to one day end up on the shore of the magnificent park and bask in the warm rays of the sun and feel the cold winter wind brushing across his shiny smooth surface.  For countless days he’s moved with the shifting tide and fish nudges to try and get closer to the shore. Mikey’s Neighborhood

Mikey’s Neighborhood

 His friends, in particular Lenny Limestone and his girlfriend Pamela Pebble, have continuously told him his dream was fruitless and that he should appreciate the sandy floor and the company of his fellow rocks. But Mikey was determined to make it to shore despite the obstacles and contrarian opinions.

Mikey thought to himself how he’d show them, how once he reached the shore he would triumphantly roll around and take in the achievement. He would prove to all the rocky bottom that he had made it, he had persevered. That he was a winner.

So there he was, moving ever closer with each successive wave movement. Every now and then a fish swam by and nudged him forward in looking for food. Minutes turned to hours. Hours to days and days to months. Ever frustrating but never giving up hope.  Others near him had come and gone and it made Mikey nervous not knowing what happened to them. Eventually even Lenny and Pamela rolled away.

But Mikey kept dreaming, kept working to make it to that magical shore. And the finally, on a cool Autumn morning after a particularly violent ocean storm, Mikey found himself on the shore of the Acadian beach.

Mikey took a look around and soaked in the incredible scene. here he was among other stones that had made it. On a shore buffeted by spruce trees spiraling up to the sky, granite stone ledges etched from the beginning of time and a sky buffeted by grey clouds.  A cool wind blew gently over the quiet cove shore and Mikey was beaming with delight.

Quiet Acadian Shore

“I made it! I knew I would!  If only Lenny and Pamela could see me now! And all those who said i would never make it.”

Yes Mikey had made it. Through the years of patience and perseverance. Through failures and successes, he had finally made it to the shore he dreamt about. He would live out the rest of his days relaxing and taking it easy on the shore, never having to put forth an effort to try and achieve what he has already gotten.

And as Mikey was relaxing in his new found home and envisioning a life of leisure, a young lad came by and spotted him. “Ooo look a shiny rock!” The young lad picked Mikey up and looked at him. He stroked his hand across Mikeys shiny exterior.  And before Mikey could react, the young lad threw Mikey as far as he could back into the ocean.

Made It!

Mikey could not believe it. After all the hard work, the sacrifices, the patience to get to the promised shore, here he was back where he started.  Not only had he lost his best friends but now his dream as well.  Mikey sighed and settled back on the watery sandy ocean floor, never to try to reach the shore again.

Moral of the story: No matter how hard you work or what sacrifices you make to achieve your dream, once you attain it, you have to keep at it to maintain it.