You’ve Had a Bad Day – Don’t Let Job Search Get You Down

Searching for a new job can be a soul crushing, unending endeavor.

  • You’ve created the perfect resume and cover letter.
  • You’ve practiced mock interviews until you feel you are ready for any question.
  • You’ve brought the perfect outfit to wear at an interview.
  • You’ve networked to the best of your ability to market yourself.

But still.

  • You have unanswered inquiries.
  • You have unanswered calls from recruiters or hiring managers.
  • When you do get contacted, it’s usually an apologetic rejection.
  • Your network is quiet.

This can all lead to self-doubt, anxiety, fear and hopelessness. You feel

  • Your skills are not enough for a position.
  • You’re too old, or too young.
  • You don’t have enough experience.
  • You don’t have enough education.
  • You feel like giving up or falling in to a deep depression.

But there are ways to pull yourself out of the morose you may be spiraling towards. The key is to stay positive and fill your time with activities that prevent you from reflecting too long on the misses you get. To wit:

  • Learn a new skill or strengthen the ones you have. There are a lot of online educational and skill courses available, many free, that can help you step up your game. Sites like edX, MIT OpenCourseware and Coursera are a few that can help you expand your knowledge.
  • Take a college course or degree program. Want to further your education? Take a course or two or advance your degree/get your degree through a local college. Taking responsibility for enriching your knowledge is a great self esteem process.
  • Volunteer. Its free, its soul fulfilling and a it’s a great way to network. Plus you’re helping a cause and can be used to strengthen your job search profile.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. It releases endorphins, hormones that naturally fight pain and stress. You can go for a brisk walk through the neighborhood or nearby parks, ride a bicycle, swim, or play tennis as examples.
  • Read a book, listen to music, visit a museum. Weaving in artistic and literary options is a great way to take your mind off the task of a job search and give your mind a chance to grow. The duality of using your senses to learn and enjoy can have a positive effect on your outlook.
  • Hang out with friends, family Go to dinner with them. See a movie or a concert. Go on a nature walk with the group. Surround yourself with people with a positive attitude to help you stay upbeat and focused. If the saying is “smiling is contagious”, the being surrounded by positive vibe is absolutely contagious.

These are just a few ideas to help you stay the course on your journey and prevent you from possibly falling in to an abyss. You’re the perfect candidate for a position soon, it just will take time. As Tom Petty sang, “The Waiting is the hardest part”. But in the meantime you can continue to enhance the best YOU you can be!